What is Homeroom?
Twice a week you have a 49 minute period where you will check in with your homeroom teacher. All students will be assigned to a teacher! Attendance will be taken, you’ll listen to the announcements, and then use your time to…
Get help with homework
Make up a test/quiz or assignment
Work on group projects
Receive support from a teacher
Talk to a counselor
Plan and organize
Build community with your peers
Learn independently
Homeroom Policies:
All students must report to their Homeroom at the start of flex.
Appointments are required to go to another teacher’s classroom.
Students can make an appointment in-the-moment, so long as there is space.
Students can make appointments with any teacher that they have class with (this is the policy, however, teachers can allow students not on their roster if preferred)
Teachers can make appointments for students (and can override the appointment cap when doing so), but should be sure to communicate with the student so they know they have an appointment. Do not rely on the email notification alone.
Teachers can delete teacher created appts., but not student created.
Students can delete student created appts., but not teacher created.
No club meetings are permitted during Homeroom
When is Homeroom?
Even block days, typically Wednesday/Friday
10:17 - 11:06
49 minutes (45 min. + 4 minutes for announcements)
What do I need?
1) Your Student ID card so your teacher can scan it for attendance.
2) A plan! Do you need to see another teacher for help? What is going to help you the most academically and emotionally? The first step towards planning wisely would be to decide if you can work independently in your homeroom or need to make an appointment to see someone else. APPOINTMENTS ARE REQUIRED if you need to go see a teacher other than your homeroom teacher. Otherwise, you stay in homeroom.
3) Something productive to do. Further yourself as an IB learner.