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Communications and Online Portals

All schools within our District will use the online portals, Canvas and Aeries, to communicate with families regarding important school events, resources, attendance, and academic progress. 

  • Canvas Parent App: allows parents/guardians to view current grades, assignments and homework. Parents/guardians can also receive course announcements.
  • Aeries Parent Portal: view student attendance, 6-week grades at reporting periods, transcripts, and teacher email addresses. 

Please following these steps to sign up for Canvas and Aeries access:

Screenshot of Aeries and Canvas sign up instructions


Acceptable Use Policy

The San Mateo Union High School District offers student access to the district computer network for electronic mail and the internet.  To gain access to email and the internet all students under the age of 18 must obtain parental permission. 

Acceptable Use Agreement 

Política de uso aceptable 



Responsible Use Policy

The responsible use policy directs all students in the San Mateo Union High School District to embrace a common set of guiding principles as they utilize technology to enhance their learning, collaborate, and communicate with school and community members. The Chromebook Agreement further outlines student expectations regarding the use of their district provided chromebooks.

Student Responsible Use Policy


Bark for Schools

Monitoring of District issued devices and accounts for student safety is critically important to SMUHSD, which is why we use Bark for Schools to help us protect our students both online and in real life while using our school-issued accounts. Bark monitors for signs of potential issues like: cyberbullying, suicidal ideation, sexual predators, threats of violence, and more. When possible dangers arise on school-issued accounts, Bark for Schools sends SMUHSD alerts so we can address the situation in a timely manner. These alerts also give us insights that help us promote the wellness of the entire student body. We strive to help keep our students safe online. 

For more information please visit Bark for Schools website: or contact the Director of Student Services, Don Scatena at

Electronic Device Policy

Students may have in their possession cell phones, laptops, tablets, and other electronic devices during the school day and during school-sponsored activities and events.  However, except with the permission of the teacher or administrators, all such devices must be turned off during instructional time, except during an emergency such as a natural disaster.  Student may use devices during brunch or lunch, but must put away items when the bell rings. The use of electronic devices, laptops and tablets is at the teacher’s discretion. Students are solely responsible for items. 

Students who do not comply with this policy are subject to discipline, including the confiscation of the electronic device for the remainder of the school day or event.

  1. First Offense: Teacher warning 
  2. Second Offense: The electronic device is confiscated and logged in with the AP Assistant.  The device is returned to the student at the end of the school day.  
  3. Third Offense:  The electronic device is confiscated and logged in with the AP Assistant.  The device is returned to the parent/guardian at the end of the school day. Student will serve Thursday School.
  4. Fourth Offense:  The electronic device is confiscated and logged in with the AP Assistant. Student will serve Thursday School. The device is returned after parent/guardian conference and a student contract. Contract will require student to drop off cell phone every day before school and pick up after school.

*No student shall be prohibited from possessing or using an electronic signaling device that is determined by a licensed physician and surgeon to be essential for the health of the pupil and use of which is limited to purposes related to the health of the pupil.