Emergency Procedures
Emergency Procedures
The San Mateo Union High School District is a member of the San Mateo County Coalition for Safe Schools and Communities. Through this collaborative process, the Coalition produced the Big Five, a common emergency plan adopted by all San Mateo County school districts and law enforcement agencies. The Big Five protocol supports high-quality training for school staff and community members and ensures clear channels of communication among schools, first responders, parents, and community members should an emergency occur.
Additional information can be found on the San Mateo County Office of Education’s website.
Emergency Contact Information
Parents/guardians are required to provide an accurate and current record which includes home address, telephone number, business address and telephone number of the parent/guardian, and the name, address and telephone number of a relative or friend who is authorized to care for the student in case of an emergency situation if the parent/guardian cannot be reached.
How can a parent/guardian add emergency contact information?
- To add an emergency contact or change the family’s phone contacts, please notify the school immediately by calling Data Analyst at 650-558-2719.
- All address changes require a new Verification of Residence form to be completed at the District Office (See Student Services).
- Changes to a student’s Educational Rights Holder (e.g., guardian with whom the school can share student information) must also be done at the District Office’s Student Services Office.
Big Five Emergency Safety Plan
Capuchino High School administration works closely with the San Mateo Union High School District and the San Mateo County Office of Education in the implementation of the Big Five Emergency Response protocol. Staff at Capuchino High School have been trained in these elements and stages periodic emergency drills to practice these protocols.
For more information about the Big Five, please refer to the San Mateo County Office of Education's Big Five Initial Response Website
Immediate Action Response: The Big Five
When an emergency occurs, it is critical that staff members take immediate steps to protect themselves, their students, and other people on campus. Become familiar with The Big Five, and be prepared to perform all assigned responsibilities.
Action | Description |
Shelter in Place | Implement to isolate students and staff from the outdoor environment and provide greater protection from external airborne contaminants or wildlife. Close windows and air vents, and shut down air conditioning/heating units. |
Drop, Cover and Hold On | Implement during an earthquake or explosion to protect building occupants from flying and falling debris. |
Secure Campus | Initiate for a potential threat of danger in the surrounding community. All classroom/office doors are closed and locked, and all students and staff remain inside until otherwise directed. Instruction continues as planned. |
Lockdown/Barricade | Initiate for an immediate threat of danger to occupants of a campus or school building and when any movement will put students and staff in jeopardy. Once implemented, no one is allowed to enter or exit rooms for any reason unless directed by law enforcement. |
Evacuation | Implement when conditions outside the building or off-site are safer than inside or on-site. Requires moving or directing students and staff to move from school buildings to a pre-determined safe location. |
Emergency Contact Information
Parents/guardians are required to provide an accurate and current record which includes home address, telephone number, business address and telephone number of the parent/guardian, and the name, address and telephone number of a relative or friend who is authorized to care for the student in case of an emergency situation if the parent/guardian cannot be reached.
How can a parent/guardian add emergency contact information?
- To add an emergency contact or change the family’s phone contacts, please notify the school immediately by calling Data Analyst at 650-558-2719.
- All address changes require a new Verification of Residence form to be completed at the District Office (See Student Services).
- Changes to a student’s Educational Rights Holder (e.g., guardian with whom the school can share student information) must also be done at the District Office’s Student Services Office.
Big Five Emergency Safety Plan
Capuchino High School administration works closely with the San Mateo Union High School District and the San Mateo County Office of Education in the implementation of the Big Five Emergency Response protocol. Staff at Capuchino High School have been trained in these elements and stages periodic emergency drills to practice these protocols.
For more information about the Big Five, please refer to the San Mateo County Office of Education's Big Five Initial Response Website
Immediate Action Response: The Big Five
When an emergency occurs, it is critical that staff members take immediate steps to protect themselves, their students, and other people on campus. Become familiar with The Big Five, and be prepared to perform all assigned responsibilities.
Action | Description |
Shelter in Place | Implement to isolate students and staff from the outdoor environment and provide greater protection from external airborne contaminants or wildlife. Close windows and air vents, and shut down air conditioning/heating units. |
Drop, Cover and Hold On | Implement during an earthquake or explosion to protect building occupants from flying and falling debris. |
Secure Campus | Initiate for a potential threat of danger in the surrounding community. All classroom/office doors are closed and locked, and all students and staff remain inside until otherwise directed. Instruction continues as planned. |
Lockdown/Barricade | Initiate for an immediate threat of danger to occupants of a campus or school building and when any movement will put students and staff in jeopardy. Once implemented, no one is allowed to enter or exit rooms for any reason unless directed by law enforcement. |
Evacuation | Implement when conditions outside the building or off-site are safer than inside or on-site. Requires moving or directing students and staff to move from school buildings to a pre-determined safe location. |