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School Site Council

School Site Council

What is the purpose of the School Site Council?

To develop, monitor, and evaluate a Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) for Consolidated Application (ConApp) programs operated at the school to improve student achievement. (Education Code Section 64001)
To review and approve staff's funding requests for professional development/training.
The SSC is comprised of school personnel, parents/guardians, and students that meet on a monthly basis.

  • 2021-2022 Monday Meeting Dates: 

    Time: 4-5:15 PM

    • September 20, 2021

    • October 18, 2021

    • November 22, 2021

    • December 13, 2021 

    • January 24, 2022

    • February 14, 2022

    • March 21, 2022 

    • April 18, 2022

    • May 16, 2022


The School Site Council (SSC)  revised and adopted the new SPSA (Single Plan for Student Achievement) goals for the school year. This is yearly process and the SSC is responsible for developing, monitoring and evaluating the SPSA goals. 

  • Goal #1:International Baccalaureate (IB) Enrollment and Performance

    1.1) The percentage of students per ethnic group enrolled in IB courses will reflect the ethnic makeup of the school, and Latino students are not under-represented by more than 5%.

    1.2) The percentage of students in underserved socioeconomic group (as measured by parent education) enrolled in IB courses will reflect the group's percentage within the school's population.

    1.3) The percentage of students who complete an IB course with at least a C grade will remain at 90% or better.

    1.4) The percentage of students receiving a 4 or above on the IB Exams will increase by 5%.

    1.5) Gather and analyze additional data to identify factors that may increase IB enrollment to greater than 70%

  • Goal #2: A-G Eligibility and Graduation

    2.1) Overall student A-G eligibility will increase from 64% to 69%

    2.2) Latino students' A-G eligibility will increase from 55% to 60%. English Learners' A-G eligibility will increase from 14% to 19%. The percentage of students in Special Education who are A-G eligible will increase from 24% to 29%. Students who are socioeconomically disadvantaged will increase A-G eligibility from 44% to 49%. All students who are homeless or foster youth will have met A-G eligibility by the time they graduate.

    2.3) In 9th grade, increase the percentage of students in underserved groups (i.e., Latino, English Learner, SPED, Socioeconomically Disadvantaged) with a "C" or better in English 1 CP, Algebra 1, and Physics by 5%. All students who are homeless or foster youth will earn a “C” or better in English 1, Algebra 1, and Physics.

    • In English 1 CP, Latino students’ percentage of “C” or better will increase from 74% to 79%; English Learners’ percentage will increase from 62% to 67%; the percentage students who are socioeconomically disadvantaged who receive a “C” or better will increase from 77% to 82%. All students who are homeless or foster youth will earn a “C” or better in English 1.
    • In Algebra 1, Latino students’ percentage of “C” or better will increase from 70% to 75%; English Learners’ percentage will increase from 35% to 40%; the percentage students who are socioeconomically disadvantaged who receive a “C” or better will increase from 66% to 71%. All students who are homeless or foster youth will earn a “C” or better in Algebra 1. 
    • In Physics, Latino students’ percentage of “C” or better will increase from 71% to 76%; English Learners’ percentage will increase from 56% to 61%; the percentage students who are socioeconomically disadvantaged who receive a “C” or better will increase from 56% to 61%. All students who are homeless or foster youth will earn a “C” or better in Physics.

    2.4) Maintain graduation rate at 95% or higher.

  • Goal #3:Assessment Performance

    3.1) PLCs will identify, revise, and/or create a minimum of two common student tasks (one in the fall and one in the spring) which assess CCSS/NGSS or IB content standards, are informed by the IB Learner Profile, and connect explicitly to one or more of the following school-wide areas of focus:

    • AVID Practices
    • Constructing Meaning
    • Culturally Responsive Instruction
    • Standards-Based Grading

    3.2) The percentage of students who have met or exceeded standards in ELA will increase from 73% to 78%.

    3.3) The percentage of students who have met or exceeded standards in Math will increase from 43% to 48%

  • Goal #4: College and Career Readiness

4.1) Increase the percentage of students who take the SAT/ACT at least once by the end of 12th grade fall semester by 5%.

4.2) Through survey data (e.g., Naviance), set a baseline of college and career awareness for both students and families. Compare grade-level data at the start and end of each school year.

  • Goal #5: Student Wellness

5.1) Suspensions and truancies will decrease overall by 5%.

5.2) Decrease the suspension rate of each of underserved populations (i.e., English Learner, Socioeconomically Disadvantaged, Students with Disabilities, Latino) by 5%.

5.3) Create and administer survey that measures school connectedness and caring adult relationships. Compare grade-level data at the start and end of each school year.


Monday Time: 3:30-4:45 pm

Virtual Meeting Room: SSC Meeting Zoom Link

Meeting Minutes

Meeting Dates:
  • August 31, 2020

  • September 28, 2020

  • October 26, 2020

  • November 23, 2020

  • December 14, 2020

  • January 25, 2021

  • February 22, 2021

  • March 22, 2021

  • April 26, 2021

  • May 17, 2021




2021-2022 School Site Council Members are elected by their representative bodies. 

Updates of members coming soon


  1. Lena Feldman (9)
  2. Meilani Lee-Murphy (10)
  3. Anthony Leong (11)
  4. Anthony Padilla (12)

Family Members: 

  1. Martha Acacio
  2. Claire Gagas
  3. Vita Romanovska
  4. Zulma Tamayo

Staff Members: 

  1. Alison Block
  2. Martee Lopez-Schmitt
  3. Stacy Kratochvil
  4. Scott Kuchenig
  5. Yoana Rodriguez
  6. Alicia Vosberg


  1. Jesse Boise
  2. Monique de Brito Guedes