2024-25 Updates & Information
Brunch/Lunch Service
All students will be able to receive meal service while on campus at no cost. Students will show their School ID at a cart or the cafeteria to receive brunch/lunch. All families are still encouraged to fill out the Free and Reduced Meal Applications for other school cost savings.
Learning Schedule & Calendar for 2024
This is our upcoming Learning/bell schedule for the 2024-25 school year. There were some changes to the bell schedule as a result of input from the district bell schedule committee. Linked here is our school district calendar
CHS 9th Grade Family Orientation & Back to School Night
We will be holding a presentation in the main theater to go over updates that are relevant to 9th grade families and respond to questions about the upcoming school year. Thursday, September 12th from 6:00 - 7:00 pm. Back to school will be from 7-9pm
Extra-Curricular Activities
We seek to engage each of our students in at least one extracurricular activity. This includes athletics, music, drama, dance, leadership, and clubs. Information regarding athletic clearance and athletic packet. If we don’t yet have a Student Club for which you are passionate, let’s help you start one!
Growth Fund Donations
Our school Growth Fund allows us to support important school initiatives that are tied to our Mission and Vision of our school. Our 2024-25 fundraising goal is $30,000. If you are able, we ask that each family donate $200 per student, but of course any amount is greatly appreciated. The link to donate can be found here.
Parent/Guardian Participation
A big part of the CHS community includes parent/guardian participation. Linked here you will find information on each of the various groups. We hope that you will consider joining one or more of the various parent/guardian organizations!
Student Data Confirmation (Required)
The San Mateo Union High School District (SMUHSD) requires that each family complete the summer data confirmation every year. Each family receives a letter in the mail that includes a code. Please utilize your Aeries portal to enter the code and complete the data confirmation.(Login to the Aeries Parent Portal. If you have not used Aeries before, click “Create New Account,” and answer all required fields.) If you have any challenges or did not receive a letter, please contact SMUHSD Student Services at enrollment@smuhsd.org or (650) 558-2251.
Student Orientations & Registration
(All pages referenced here are in our Student/Family Handbook, linked here)
All students must complete the registration process prior to the first day of school, Wednesday, August 14.
Complete District Online Aeries Data Confirmation (through Aeries Parent Portal)
(10th-12th Graders Only) Return textbooks & pay outstanding school fees
Yearbook and ID pictures will be taken at Registration and students will receive their Capuchino ID. Please dress appropriately.
Optional for Registration:
Senior Portrait appointments occur throughout the summer and into September. Deadline for Senior portraits to be included in the yearbook is Oct 14, 2024. During the summer, appointment postcards were sent to our Class of 2025 to the address on file. To check or change your appointment contact byarea@lifetouch.com or call Lifetouch at 1-877-825-7922.
The dates for each grade level are listed below. Please come at your designated time.
Location: Start near Main Theatre off Millwood Drive
Last Name
Welcome Day 9th Grade and Transfer Students at Main Gym
See info below
Tuesday, August 6
By last name
11th Grade Registration
Wednesday, August 7
A - I
9 - 10 AM
J - Z
10 - 11 AM
12th Grade Registration
Wednesday, August 7
A - I
12 - 1 PM
J - Z
1 - 2 PM
9th Grade Registration
Thursday, August 8
A - I
9 - 10 AM
J - Z
10 - 11 AM
10th Grade Registration
Thursday, August 8
A - I
12 - 1 PM
J - Z
1 - 2 PM
Transfer Students and Make-Ups
Friday, August 9
9 - 11 AM
Note: Students who are not able to attend our registration days may pick up their schedule at 8am on the first day of school on August 14th (data confirmation needs to be completed). Makeup photos for all grade levels are scheduled for August 30 on campus. For further questions about registration, please contact Assistant Principal, Michalis Gordon at mgordon@smuhsd.org. For more information and updates visit us at chs.smuhsd.org
Welcome Day for 9th Graders and Transfer Students
We look forward to meeting our newest Mustangs on August 6th for a fun session. Welcome Day is a day for new students entering 9th grade or transferring to our school to meet other new students, play games, get comfortable with campus and have an opportunity to connect with student leaders. You will receive schedules later in the week and that will give you an opportunity to find your classes with more comfort before the first day of school. Snacks will be provided. Please bring water bottles if you need water. We have refilling stations all over campus.
By Last Name
Tuesday, August 6
Tuesday, August 6
Tuesday, August 6
ELD Students
12:45-3:30pm outside the main office with Mr. Castillo
Know any students who are interested in volunteering?
August 5th Training Session (1-4pm) for any students who want to help volunteer and be on campus August 6th for the Welcome Day. We always meet in H225 located next to the upper spirit court grass in the H Wing. Please email dbywater@smuhsd.org for more information.

Stations will be set up in the corridor between the Main Theater and Little Theater
Please visit our stations to:
Return library materials or pay fees.
Complete District Online Enrollment if needed.
Turn in physical forms completed by a physician. Turn in a copy of immunization records (9th grade only). For athletes, uploading to Sportsnet accounts.
Collect your schedule of classes.
Pick up learning materials (e.g., Chromebooks, textbooks, etc.).
Take photos for School ID and Yearbook.
Optional purchase of CHS apparel, and/or Yearbook (click link for more information from handbook).
Make payment for IB exams (if applicable p. 53); gather IB-related information.
Make donations to parent organizations; gather boosters information (p.54-58).
At our Student Schedule Station, Aeries Parent Portal completion will be confirmed, registration materials will be reviewed and verified before students receive their schedules.
For 10th-12th graders – all fines must be paid and library materials returned or renewed in order to obtain class schedule.
No schedule changes will be made on Registration Day or the first week of school. If you need to speak with your counselor about your schedule, please email them directly.
Find your counselor by the first letter of your last name (subject to change):
Counselor (A-Cn & ELD) TBD
Counselor (Co-J) Faith Cabie-Ramil fcabieramil@smuhsd.org
Counselor (K-Q) Wendy Rivera* wrivera@smuhsd.org
Counselor (R-Z) Shannon Millard smillard@smuhsd.org
*=Spanish Speaking