Commitment to Racial Justice
Capuchino Community,
In response to the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and other Black lives, we must reflect on racism and its presence in our school system. Though recent protests have emphasized systemic bias within policing and the criminal justice system, we as educators have not yet created just schools. Our own educational outcomes demonstrate underlying racism in schools. To be clear, these are most frequently not overt racist actions committed by individuals, but systemic and unconscious actions which perpetuate inequality and White privilege. Though we as a school have bright spots where we can point to anti-racist actions, we have an imperative to do more. Our own disproportionate and predictable educational outcomes (e.g. grades, suspension rates) are not acceptable and we as a school must be accountable for disrupting those patterns.
At Capuchino, we should have a unique confidence in our community’s ability to collectively address racial injustice.
We have worked hard to create a more inclusive campus, through the implementation of restorative justice, a universal Ethnic Studies class for 9th graders, the elimination of most admission fees for students to attend events, and providing the early stages of anti-racist professional development. Five years ago, just as many other schools in the nation, we faced significantly disproportionate rates of student enrollment in advanced courses. Today, we are one of a handful of schools whose student racial/ethnic demographic enrollment in advanced courses is consistent with our overall student population. That said, critical work remains.
Most recently, Capuchino has adopted the Core Beliefs linked here. These central values will inform resource allocations, student groupings, site policies, and staff professional learning. In the weeks, months, and years to follow, our commitment is to maintain an urgency on racial justice. Black lives matter. Brown lives matter. Being a White ally matters. A just and fair community will be stronger for all our members.
We are committed to serving each and every one of our students with love, joy, and passion.
In community and solidarity,
Jose A. Gomez
Mauricio Rodriguez
Michalis Gordon
Tim Natene
Community Action Against Hate
We are asking students and family members to write and submit their "I am from" poems. Storytelling is our power to connect as a community. Each of us are someone’s daughter, son, sister, brother, mom, dad, aunt, uncle, friend… Our stories humanize us.
Please feel free to use the templates found here to help write your poem and share with assistant principal Ms. Kuei:
We know that no single story is anyone’s complete story; it’s a glimpse to moments, and a start to weave our tapestry as a Cap community.
San Bruno Stands United Against Hate
Gallery of Action
Capuchino Community,
In response to the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and other Black lives, we must reflect on racism and its presence in our school system. Though recent protests have emphasized systemic bias within policing and the criminal justice system, we as educators have not yet created just schools. Our own educational outcomes demonstrate underlying racism in schools. To be clear, these are most frequently not overt racist actions committed by individuals, but systemic and unconscious actions which perpetuate inequality and White privilege. Though we as a school have bright spots where we can point to anti-racist actions, we have an imperative to do more. Our own disproportionate and predictable educational outcomes (e.g. grades, suspension rates) are not acceptable and we as a school must be accountable for disrupting those patterns.
At Capuchino, we should have a unique confidence in our community’s ability to collectively address racial injustice.
We have worked hard to create a more inclusive campus, through the implementation of restorative justice, a universal Ethnic Studies class for 9th graders, the elimination of most admission fees for students to attend events, and providing the early stages of anti-racist professional development. Five years ago, just as many other schools in the nation, we faced significantly disproportionate rates of student enrollment in advanced courses. Today, we are one of a handful of schools whose student racial/ethnic demographic enrollment in advanced courses is consistent with our overall student population. That said, critical work remains.
Most recently, Capuchino has adopted the Core Beliefs linked here. These central values will inform resource allocations, student groupings, site policies, and staff professional learning. In the weeks, months, and years to follow, our commitment is to maintain an urgency on racial justice. Black lives matter. Brown lives matter. Being a White ally matters. A just and fair community will be stronger for all our members.
We are committed to serving each and every one of our students with love, joy, and passion.
In community and solidarity,
Jose A. Gomez
Mauricio Rodriguez
Michalis Gordon
Tim Natene
Community Action Against Hate
We are asking students and family members to write and submit their "I am from" poems. Storytelling is our power to connect as a community. Each of us are someone’s daughter, son, sister, brother, mom, dad, aunt, uncle, friend… Our stories humanize us.
Please feel free to use the templates found here to help write your poem and share with assistant principal Ms. Kuei:
We know that no single story is anyone’s complete story; it’s a glimpse to moments, and a start to weave our tapestry as a Cap community.
San Bruno Stands United Against Hate