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What to Know about IB Exams

Registration and Fee Policy

IB has a very strict calendar for exam registration. After November 15th there are no refunds coming back to students who change their minds about exams; therefore, we can offer no refunds to families after that date. Changes made in student schedules before the 15th require the student to directly notify the IB Center, so that we can process a refund and officially cancel IB exam registration. If changes are made AFTER the 15th, there will be NO REFUND, and students are still required to pay for the exam in full.

The IB Exam Schedule is Not Flexible

IB publishes the exam calendar about 18 months in advance for every exam session. (See the Testing this year? for more detailed information.) The tests are to be given only on specific dates during the morning or afternoon testing sessions. We have no authority to change the date of an IB Exam. In the case of a school wide emergency or tragedy, IB will allow students to test in the next exam session, which is always November of that testing year.

One Exam = At Least Two Papers

Every IB exam consists of 2 or 3 separate tests, known as “papers.” This means that a typical IB exam takes two days- paper 1 on day 1 and paper 2 on day 2. For exams that include a paper 3, that is frequently on a third day of testing.

Blue or Black Ink Required

IB exams are sent to a scanning center in Alabama. There, computerized files are emailed to examiners throughout the world. Students are required to write in ink to make sure that the scanned images are clearly legible for the examiners. Students may use pencils for charts, graphs, or diagrams, but it is strongly recommended that they go over those images in ink before they submit their work. COME PREPARED!

Medical Excuses Must be Documented

In the event that a student misses part of an IB exam due to severe illness, IB will sometimes allow a student’s work to be scored even though they missed part of the exam. Proper and timely documentation from the medical facility where the student was hospitalized/treated will be necessary within 3 days of completion of the student’s exams. Otherwise, the student will receive a 0 for that part of the exam.

School Attendance During Exams

IB testing students are excused from classes during the particular test window only. The IB Center will clear attendance for the students. If a student does not attend the exam session, they will be marked absent. Student attendance at IB exams is recorded by the IB Coordinator and students who fail to show up for an exam are considered truant from school for that day. Parents do not need to call the attendance office to excuse their student for the testing window.

General Exam Preparation

Students should get a full night’s sleep the night before an exam, and eat a healthy breakfast before arriving to the examination room. Snacks and water are provided just prior to testing. Only water is allowed in the examination room.