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Financial Assistance

When students commit to taking IB courses, the expectation is that each student will complete the course. The completion of the course include sitting for the exams in may.  In an effort to encourage all IB students to take the cumulative May tests for their IB courses, we would like to inform you of the possible financial aid opportunities we offer at Capuchino.

Free/Reduced Lunch (F/RL)

The Free and Reduced Lunch program allows students of families with low income or in special circumstances to qualify for assistance in various academic areas, one of which is IB testing.

The Free and Reduced Lunch application is online.

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the “Apply Today” box (available in English, Spanish, or Chinese)
  3. Complete all 6 sections (approx. 5-10 minutes)
  4. You will receive a confirmation at the end of the process.
  5. The application will take 10 business days to process and a decision letter will be mailed home.

IB Scholarship and Payment Plan

The IB Scholarship is primarily for families who may not qualify for the F/RL program but are in need of financial assistance.  Students must fill out the application and have it signed by parents. Submit the application to the IB Office by the due date.

The IB Payment Plan allows families of students who are taking more than one IB test to breakdown the lump sum of their  fees into payments.

Participants must see Mrs. Lopez-Schmitt or Ms. Beas to get the application or set up a payment plan.