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Advantages of an IB Education

 Whether you get college credit or not, here are the advantages of an IB education

Academic preparation for college

  • tackle challenging and engaging topics head on
  • go in-depth with teachers on topics of interest to you
  • discuss & debate your opinions with your IB teachers & classmates


  • let colleges know that you’re serious about your education
  • IB on your transcript shows you’re prepared to challenge yourself
  • potentially earn college credit and/or skip introductory classes in college
  • learn what’s expected of you in college
  • develop the skill necessary for college

Your future

  • For college, IB is a sign you can really apply yourself to higher-level studies.
  • IB courses could help you decide your major.
  • IB course could help you turn the subjects that interest you into a fulfilling career.


10 Reasons for IB Diploma Programme