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Group 5: Mathematics

IB Mathematics SL
Grade: 11 & 12 (2 year course + May Exam)

This course is intended for highly proficient students interested in furthering their mathematical proficiency. The course is roughly equivalent to a 2-year pre-calculus/calculus sequence, including the study of algebra, functions and equations, circular functions and trigonometry, vectors, statistics and probability, and derivative and integral calculus.   It is designed to prepare students for the International Baccalaureate Mathematics – Standard Level Exam. Special attention is paid to the internationalism of mathematics and to help students to appreciate the multiplicity of cultural and historical perspectives of mathematics. In addition to the Exam, students complete an Internal Assessment - a self-directed investigation on the topic of their own choosing, related to the content taught in the course. A graphing calculator is required. (recommended calculator:  TI-84+)

IB Mathematics (Calculus) HL*
Grade: 11 & 12 (2 year course + May Exam)

This college level course is designed for highly proficient students. The course addresses HL Core Topics including Algebra, Trigonometry, Vectors, Complex Numbers, Calculus and Statistics, and as well as extensions of all topics not already covered in Mathematics SL I. In addition, students will complete a Math Exploration paper (Internal Assessment) related to topics appropriate for the level of rigor and sophistication of this course. The second year of the course includes test preparation for the IB Mathematics HL Examination, given at the end of the spring semester of the second year of the HL course. The exam consists of three papers; Paper 1 and Paper 2 consist of two 2-hour exams covering the HL Core topics (with and without the use of a graphing calculator) and Paper 3 is a 1-hour exam covering the HL Option topic --Series and Differential Equations.  The right graphing calculator is required!  (recommended calculators: TI-84 Plus Silver Edition, TI-Inspire, or TI-83 Plus acceptable, but not preferred)

IB Math Studies SL  
Grade: 11 & 12 (2 year course + May Exam)

This course is intended for college bound students students interested in Liberal Arts, Business and non-STEM careers. The course is roughly equivalent to a 2-year Algebra II/Statistics course. Topic include number and algebra, descriptive statistics, logic, sets and probability, statistical applications, geometry and trigonometry, mathematical models and introduction to differential calculus. It is designed for students with varied mathematical backgrounds and abilities. It prepares students to be able to solve problems in a variety of settings, to develop more sophisticated mathematical reasoning and to enhance their critical thinking. The individual project is an extended piece of work based on personal research involving the collection, analysis and evaluation of data.  The course is designed to prepare students for the International Baccalaureate Mathematics – Standard Level Exam. Special attention is paid to the internationalism of mathematics and to help students to appreciate the multiplicity of cultural and historical perspectives of mathematics. In addition to the Exam, students complete an Internal Assessment - a self-directed investigation on the topic of their own choosing, related to the content taught in the course. A graphing calculator is required. (recommended calculator:  TI-84+)


SL Year II: Anneke Castro 

HL Year I: Andrew Meyers

HL Year II: Demian Martens