After IB: College & Universities
Below is a list of colleges and universities to which IB Mustangs have been accepted.
We stress the need for you to do your research when deciding where to apply.
California Schools
All California State University (CSU) campuses
All University of California (UC) campuses
University of Southern California
Dominican University
Notre Dame de Namur University
Cogswell Polytechnical College
California Lutheran University
Out of State Schools
Arizona State University
Babson College
Bentley University
Boston University
Bowdoin College
Brigham Young University
Butler University
Clemson University
Columbia University
Cornell University
Creighton University
Crown College
Dartmouth University
Eastern Nazarene College
Finlandai University
George Mason University
Gonzaga University
Hartwick College
Hofstra University
Indiana University at Bloomington
Johnson & Wales University (Denver)
Lake Forest College
Lawrence Memorial/Regis College
Long Island University, Brooklyn
Louisiana State University
Maryville University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Montana State University of Technology, Bozeman
Northern Arizona University
New York University
Northeastern University
Ohio University
Oregon State University
Oberlin College
Pratt Institute
Purdue University
Regis College
School of Visual Arts
Seattle University
Seton Hall University
St. John's University
Smith College
Syracuse University
The George Washington University
The University of Alabama
The University of Arizona
The University of Iowa
University of Colorado at Boulder
University of Colorado at Denver
University of Dallas
University of Denver
University of Hawaii
University of Illinois at Chicago
University of Michigan
University of Miami
University of Nebraska
University of Nevada
University of Oregon
University of Portland
University of Texas
University of Washington
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Vassar College
Washington State University
Wesley College
Western Washington University
Whitman College
Willamette University
Woodbury University
Yale University
International Schools
Alberta College of Art and Design
Emily Carr university of Art and Design
Dalhausie University
Sophia University
Waseda University
All California State University (CSU) campuses
All University of California (UC) campuses
University of Southern California
Dominican University
Notre Dame de Namur University
Cogswell Polytechnical College
California Lutheran University
Arizona State University
Babson College
Bentley University
Boston University
Bowdoin College
Brigham Young University
Butler University
Clemson University
Columbia University
Cornell University
Creighton University
Crown College
Dartmouth University
Eastern Nazarene College
Finlandai University
George Mason University
Gonzaga University
Hartwick College
Hofstra University
Indiana University at Bloomington
Johnson & Wales University (Denver)
Lake Forest College
Lawrence Memorial/Regis College
Long Island University, Brooklyn
Louisiana State University
Maryville University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Montana State University of Technology, Bozeman
Northern Arizona University
New York University
Northeastern University
Ohio University
Oregon State University
Oberlin College
Pratt Institute
Purdue University
Regis College
School of Visual Arts
Seattle University
Seton Hall University
St. John's University
Smith College
Syracuse University
The George Washington University
The University of Alabama
The University of Arizona
The University of Iowa
University of Colorado at Boulder
University of Colorado at Denver
University of Dallas
University of Denver
University of Hawaii
University of Illinois at Chicago
University of Michigan
University of Miami
University of Nebraska
University of Nevada
University of Oregon
University of Portland
University of Texas
University of Washington
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Vassar College
Washington State University
Wesley College
Western Washington University
Whitman College
Willamette University
Woodbury University
Yale University
Alberta College of Art and Design
Emily Carr university of Art and Design
Dalhausie University
Sophia University
Waseda University