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Graduation Requirements

Graduation Requirements


General Remarks

  • A one-period course taken each semester (18 weeks) equals five high school credits. (5 credits)
  • A full time schedule consists of 6 classes. Capuchino does offer seven classes for those students who need seven periods to take all their academic and elective classes.
  • The requirement for graduation is a minimum of 220 credits.

Required Courses

 4 Years English……………………………..40 Credits

 3 Years Math………………………………..30 Credits

 3 ½ Years Social Sciences……………......35 Credits

    ½ Year Contemporary World Studies

     1 Year World History (10)

     1 Year U.S. History (11)

     1 Year Economics/Government (12)

2 Years Science (physical and life)............20 Credits

2 Years Physical Education………………..20 Credits

½ Year Health………………………………..5 Credits

1 Year Fine Arts……………………………..10 Credits

1 Year Foreign Language…………………10 Credits

1 Year CTE (Career Technical Education)..10 Credits

Elective Courses…………………………….40 Credits 


Total (minimum requirements)………………..220 Credits

40 credits

Social Science
35 credits including: Modern World History 1and 2; Contemporary World Studies; United States History 1 and 2; American Government; Economics

Physical Education
20 credits, 10 credits completed in grade 9 and at least 10 credits completed in grades 10 or may be deferred to grade 11 based upon student need.

20 credits, 10 credits of Physical Science and 10 credits of Biological Science - at least one course must meet the “d” requirement on the U.C. “a-g” list.

30 credits, including 10 credits of Algebra 1-2. Any course below the level of Algebra 1-2 does not receive high school math credit.

World Languages
10 credits to be completed by the end of grade 10

Fine Performing Arts
10 credits

5 credits

50 credits

220 Credits Required Minimum