Sports Boosters
Sports Boosters Meetings
Sports Boosters Meetings are as follows and are held at 7pm in the school library:
Dec. 5th
Jan. 9th
Feb. 6th
March 5th
April 2nd
May 6th
Crab Feed
Save the date for Saturday, March 2nd 2024.
Sports Participation Forms
Sports Boosters seeks the participation of all families to support the Athletic Program at Capuchino HS. There are several ways families can support our athletes, including giving a donation to a specific sport, volunteering at school events, and volunteering at the Crab Feed and/or the Fireworks Booth.
All students who play sports at Capuchino must turn in the Donation for Sports form given out by the coaches.
2023-24 Officers
Family Passes for Sale
You can now pay with check, cash or Credit Card!
Sports Boosters Donations
(click on the link)
For Family Pass Questions please contact:
Sarah Burton at burton.sarah784@gmail.
Snack Shack Coordinator
The Snack Shack Coordinator position is currently vacant and we are seeking a volunteer to fill that position.