IB Parent Boosters
The International Baccalaureate Organization was founded in Geneva, Switzerland in 1968 to help facilitate the international mobility of students preparing for university by providing a curriculum recognized by universities around the world. Since then, it has grown to make an IB education available to students of all ages. To find out more about the IB Organization, visit their website at http://www.ibo.org.
%22Mission of Cap IB Parent Boosters%22.
The International Baccalaureate (IB) Parent Boosters Group is open to all supporter of our 9-12 grade students who are involved with Pre-IB classes, IB certificate classes, and the IB Diploma Programme.
The IB Programme is an exceptional opportunity for our students. Capuchino High School is the only school in the San Mateo Union High School District that offers this rigorous program and we want to show our support to the students and faculty. We meet 2-3 times a year to plan our events and fundraising. Some of our activities include:
*sponsorship of the annual Winter Reunion
*provide recognition and awards to graduating IB students
*sponsorship of the annual year-end Senior IB Reception
*provide hospitality at IB information meetings and events
*sponsorship of the annual IB Teachers Luncheon
*fundraising for scholarships, IB exam fees, IB resources
Please join IB Parent Boosters and help make a difference for this outstanding program. We request a donation of $20 per family. Additional donations are always welcome. Checks can be made payable to: CHSAA – IB Boosters.
For more information, contact us at capibparents@gmail.com.
Watch a Video To Learn More About This Unique Program at Capuchino
Lopez-Schmitt, Martee
Beas, Silvia
IB Program Assistant
Nina Keys nina@keysfamily.org
Kim Peloso kpeloso@sbhsi.com
Christine Ackerman christine.a.ackerman@gmail.com
Stay informed about IB events, meetings and deadlines.
Please email your name/phone number/student name and year/email address to: capibparents@gmail.com.