CAPeople - PTO
We are the heart of communication between the school district, administration, teachers, parents/guardians, and students at Capuchino.
Are you interested in supporting Capuchino teachers? Would you like to help build community at Cap? Would you like to meet more people in the Capuchino community? You can do these things by joining the PTO board or attending the PTO meetings. If you are interested in being involved as part of the PTO, please let Raquel Rose know or email us at:
Current Fundraisers
Please consider supporting the Capuchino High School Parent-Teacher Organization (CAP PTO). Our PTO plays a crucial role in supporting the faculty and various educational initiatives, including:
Spring and Fall Teacher Appreciation Luncheons
Annual Graduation Scholarships totalling $1,500
Student Events and Activities (i.e., a $500 donation to Pride Prom, IB & Sr. Award night, graduation ceremony supplies, etc.)
Fulfilling Teacher classroom needs that are not covered by the district, such as purchasing school supplies, classroom equipment, supplemental textbooks, and student field trips.
All donations directly benefit our high school community and are TAX DEDUCTIBLE.
Suggested Donation Amount: $100.00 - $200.00
Payment Options: -
Check payable to CHSAA PTO, 1501 Magnolia Drive, San Bruno, California 94066
Credit Card donation: https://capuchino-
Read more about how you can help: Parent & Sponsorship letters
CHS Growth Fund
All parents are members of the Capuchino High School PTO. Please contribute to the PTO activities as well as Professional Development for Capuchino High School teachers via the Growth Fund: https://capuchino-
We can use your help on a variety of projects that benefit the school. We need your help with:
- Volunteer Coordinators: Registration Day, Office Help, Testing, Library, Phone Calls, Dance Chaperones
- Hospitality: Teacher Appreciation Day, PTO Meetings
- Fundraising
- PTO Membership Drives
- Public Relations/Community Outreach
For more information, contact us at
- eScrip - Go to and fill in your contact information/create a password. Then select CAPeople as your school or nonprofit. Our Group ID: #152234878. Register the debit/credit cards you usually use. That’s it! CAPeople PTO will get a percentage of your purchases at Lucky, SaveMart, Lunardi’s, Mollie Stones. If you already have an account, please update it to include CAPeople as a benefitting non-profit.
The PTO is a 501 (c) 3 organization. For more information, contact:
2024-2025 Officers
President: Raquel Rose
Treasurer: Linda Tan
Secretary: Anne Quintana
Hospitality: Lisa Shin
If you have questions, please send an email to:
PTO Meetings
Second Wednesday of Each Month:
- September 11, 2024
- October 9, 2024
- November 13, 2024 and
- December 11, 2024