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How to Clear Absences

  • Parents/guardians are expected to clear the student absence within three school days (72 hours). Absences must be cleared by a parent/guardian.  Absences not cleared after three school days (72 hours) will be considered unexcused and marked as a “cut.” The office cannot correct attendance records after 72 hours.
  • Please follow one of these steps to clear absences:
    • Student’s name
    • Number of days
    • Dates of absence
    • Reason for absence
    • Parent signature
    1. On the absent days, use the linked form to report an absence. 
    2. Notify the Attendance Office by phone and speak to the Attendance Clerk or leave a message that is accessible 24 hours a day at 558-2708.
    3. Submit a written note (in ink) to include the following:
    4. If a guardian is unable to report excused absence on the day of, please submit a message to
      the Attendance Office on the day of the student’s return to school, between 7:30 - 7:55 am.
    5. Work and home telephone numbers 


Attending class regularly and being on time have a direct effect on a student’s success in meeting course requirements for high school graduation.

Attendance in school is legally mandatory for all students under the age of 18 and also required in order to be successful in district courses. 

For what reasons may a student be legally absent and excused from school?

According to our district’s Student Code of Conduct, there are only 6 legal excused reasons for a student to be absent from school which are:

  1. Illness or quarantine (doctor’s note required for 3 or more consecutive days)
  2. Medical, chiropractic, optometric, or dental services
  3. The funeral of members of student’s immediate family (as defined in Ed Code 45194)
  4. Court and legal appointments
  5. Observances of religious holiday or ceremony
  6. Pre-Approved School Activity (school officials only)

Student will not be excused for any other reason besides the six listed above. Parents/guardians, therefore, should not call or write a note directing the Attendance Office to excuse a student for any other reason.

When must a student provide a doctor’s note?

  • When a student has had 3 or more consecutive absences due to illness
  • When a student has had 14 absences in the school year for illness, any further absences for illness may be verified by a physician. Absences need not to be consecutive.
  • Contact the Health Office (558-2722) if your student has a serious illness.

How does the school notify parents/guardians about absences?

The school uses Connect Ed, an automated calling system, to notify parents on all period absences.  When a student is absent a parent/guardian phone call or note is required within 72 hours of the absence.


Attendance Clerk

(650) 558-2708