Section 504
If you have any questions regarding your student’s 504, please contact your student’s school counselor.
View instructions to access the Aeries Parent Portal so that you may view your student’s current 504 plan.
Plan 504 Está Disponible en su Portal de Aeries
Puede ahora ver el Plan 504 de su estudiante a través de su Portal de Aeries. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre el Plan 504 de su estudiante, comuníquese con el consejero escolar de su estudiante.
Aquí están las instrucciones para acceder al Portal de Aeries para Padres para que pueda ver el Plan 504 actual de su estudiante.
The San Mateo Union High School District (SMUHSD) is committed to providing a working and learning environment that is free of discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying. The District affirms that no qualified student with a disability shall, on the basis of disability be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefit of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying under any District program or activity. The denial of equal access to District education programs and/or activities and/or the denial of a “free appropriate public education” (FAPE) on the basis of a student’s disability is considered disability-based discrimination under federal and state law.
In addition, the District must provide nonacademic and extracurricular services and activities in a manner that ensures individuals with disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate. Similarly, the District must make reasonable accommodations to its policies, practices, and procedures when necessary to ensure other individuals with disabilities, such as parents and the general public, are not discriminated against on the basis of disability.
For more information, please contact your school counselor.
Section 504 Eligibility Process
The Section 504 eligibility process may be initiated by completing this referral form and submitting it the guidance counselor. School personnel and parents/guardians may make a referral. The decision to evaluate will be made by the school's 504 team. This form also is used for annual reevaluation for evaluation for an incoming ninth grader or a transfer student.
Parental Consent for 504 Evaluation
The 504 Team may not conduct an evaluation to determine initial Section 504 eligibility without parental consent.
This packet documents the eligibility process for initial referrals and re-evaluations. Once students are found eligible for Section 504, they must be re-evaluated at least every year for continued eligibility.
Teacher Observation Report for Section 504 Evaluation (pdf)
Each of the student's teachers must be given a copy of this report to complete and return to the Guidance Counselor prior to the Section 504 Eligibility meeting. The 504 Team is required to gather information from a variety of sources to use in their evaluation to determine Section 504 eligibility, including the classroom teacher(s).
Eligibility Meeting Notice to Parents
This is the letter to the parents inviting them to participate in the meeting where the 504 Team will conduct the evaluation (review all data collected), determine eligibility, and write a 504 Plan if appropriate.
Parent Rights (English, Spanish and Chinese)
The Parent Rights must be provided to the parent/guardian when the Section 504 eligibility process is initiated and annually at the review meeting.
Parent/Guardian Complaint Form
This form should be provided to parents/guardians who want to file a formal complaint regarding Section 504.
School Site 504 Coordinator
Mauricio Rodriguez
Assistant Principal
District MTSS/504 Coordinator
JeNora Lewis
504 Complaint Form
If you believe discrimination has occurred against a student because of a disability, please complete, sign and submit the Section 504 Complaint Form to your school's principal and/or 504 Coordinator.