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Course Electives

Capuchino High School will be offering a wide range of elective options from year-long to semester courses.  Please preview the video selections below to help guide you in your choices.

Access direct link to video here



CTE & VAPA Choices

Click on the buttons below to watch the promotional videos for the selected course. 

art 1 button
digital button
chamber singers button
Foods 1 button

adv art button
advanced photo button
band button
publication button


Ib visual art button
chamber orchestra button
String Orchestra button
mediaarts button

ceramics button
drama button
adv drama button
Dance button


video production tab
adv video button


  *Promotional videos not available at this time: Ceramics, Advanced Ceramics, IB Film, Culinary Arts, IB Dance


Science, Social Science, World Language & Electives Videos

Click on the buttons below to watch the promotional videos for the selected course. 


ib ess button
leadership button
avid button


ap physics button
adv ethnic studies button
Athletic leadership


college study skills button
tok button


*Promotional videos unavailable at this time: Spanish 3, IB Spanish, French 3, IB French, IB Psyche, PE Weight Conditioning, & Data Science