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11th Grade Information

11th Grade Year Checklist

  • Review your classes and modify as needed. Make sure your fall and spring schedules of classes include career/college/major admission requirements.
  • Work on your grades and seek help when needed. Good grades count—put in an extra effort. When colleges review your transcripts, they look closely at your sophomore and junior year grades. It pays off to work hard this year.  You need A, B and C grades.
  • Visit more schools and colleges and attend College Fairs. (Virtual Events)
  • Think about what you want in your prospective college. Research is a must. Talk to your school counselor Complete the Game Plan on Naviance  Use such resources as “College Navigator” and other sites found on the Capuchino website. The right college fit is very important.
  • Contact your Congressional Representative if applying to a military academy.
  • Consider and explore other opportunities, such as a gap year, work, military, apprenticeship programs, etc. 
  • Apply to the NCAA Clearinghouse if you plan to play Div. I or II sports.
  • Meet with your school counselor in the spring to check graduation requirements and plan your senior classes, including IB or dual enrollment classes.
  • Enroll in summer school classes if necessary.
  • Take IB Tests in May if applicable.
  • Review to see if your potential colleges require an SAT or ACT test.
  • Continue your extracurricular activities, sports and volunteer work.
  • Discuss college and finances with your family. 
  • Review financial aid opportunities from state, federal and private resources.With the cost of higher education soaring, financial aid really helps. Cast a wide net in your search for grants and scholarships. Talk to your parents about college costs. Visit:  and Include a “financial aid safety school” which is a college that will definitely admit you and where you could afford to attend even if you did not receive financial aid.
  • Look at potential scholarship opportunities all year long. Check out our district resource here.
  • Check online for college information in June and visit in the summer.
  • Summer - take a college class, volunteer for community service, work, get an internship or enroll in a summer enrichment program.