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Medical Forms


Students missing or on restricted/ modified activity for less than a week:

  • Parents must provide a note to the teacher and the student is  responsible for all missing work.

Students missing or on restricted/ modified activity for more than a week:

  • Students must submit a note from the doctor with the preferred medical form and the student is responsible for all missing work.

  • Medical Doctor’s Form

Students missing or on restricted/ modified activity for more than 7 weeks:

  • Students must submit a note from the doctor with the preferred medical form and must choose between the following three choices:

  1. Students may continue the course with a modified curriculum in which they are only eligible to receive a pass/fail grade.

  2. Students may drop the class and retake it at a later time.

  3. Students may make-up missing work and remain eligible for a letter grade.  

Students who miss a skill test, fitness test and/or written test due to medically excused non-participation or absence will be expected to make up the test(s)