Welcome to the Health Department
Grade: 9-12 (primarily for 9th grade)
Credits: 5
College Recommended? Yes
Prerquisites: None
Course Description: This comprehensive Health Education course embraces the vision of health literacy emphasized throughout the SMUHSD Health Curriculum, which is designed using the revised 2019 California Health Education Framework. This in-depth Health Education program includes relevant health information that will inform students to make positive decisions leading to a healthy lifestyle now and in the future. SMUHSD Health teachers utilize Health Connected’s Teen Talk Comprehensive Sex Education Curriculum to present inclusive and relevant lessons and practices to all SMUHSD Health students.
Content areas covered in this course include decision making, goal setting, communication, stress management, conflict resolution, suicide awareness and prevention, consumer and community health, communicable and chronic diseases, individual growth and development, human sexuality, environmental health, substance use and abuse, nutrition, injury prevention, and safety.
This semester-long course meets the SMUHSD graduation requirement for Health Education (5 Credits)